Jennifer Aniston Talks About A Scene With Lisa Kudrow That She Couldn't Hold Together

Jennifer Aniston had a video chat with Lisa Kudrow on Actors on Actors issue which is a unique chat show format. This episode between two iconic characters took a stroll down their memory lane.
Both the actresses recalled their Friends days which was aired last, over 10 years ago. These two beautiful actresses talked about their professional commitment issues caused by the popular sitcom once it was wrapped up in 2004.
Jennifer Aniston asked Lisa Kudrow about producing her own work now that she is involved in from the group, coming up with the ideas, scripting, then selection of crew and the cast, or just being a guest, which one did the former co-star enjoyed the most.
Kudrow’s answer was clear about being a guest of the show, although she cleared that producing her own content is completely different but she has commitment issue since she worked on Friends. Aniston replied by asking a cross question, that is the fear of commitment because nothing will be good enough compared to Friends.
Kudrow shared Friends was never like we worked hard for about 10 years and she admitted that entire cast was committed to one another. She further said that it was more about loving each other than just being together for the sake of a contract or committing to the respective roles.
During this one-hour online Friends reunion session, the 56-year-old actress who played Phoebe Buffay asked the 51-year-old actress who played Rachel Green if she watched any of the Friends episode while being home amid the coronavirus pandemic? Aniston replied, yes immediately and said she loves stumbling on Friends.
Aniston further shared about chilling with Courteney Cox who played Monica’s character once when they were trying to find a reference of Friends and they stumbled on Friends bloopers on the internet, she acknowledged that they both were laughing like nerds.
Aniston admitted getting laughter fits while working with Kudrow and called her adorable for breaking with laughter between the punchlines. She further said how funny it was whenever Kudrow use to break and turn towards the live audience (as the later episodes used to get tapped in front of an audience) and say, ‘I’m sorry, it’s really funny.’
Aniston shared one particular scene from 15th episode of season 7, which is titled as The One With Joey's New Brain and said, “The bagpipes — where you started to sing full 100 percent-sounding like the bagpipe — I couldn’t hold it together.”