Truth About Jennifer Aniston ‘Hating’ Angelina Jolie For Her Split With Brad Pitt

There has been a series of reports on the supposed feud between Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston ever since the former allegedly snatched Brad Pitt from the Friends alum. Rumors had it that Jolie was the main reason why Pitt dissolved his marriage with Jen in 2005.
Reports insisted that Jen attacked Jolie when she told a publication she was not in favor to work in Marvel films. The Morning Show actress appeared to be sad that the movie industry has got affected concerning significant roles due to the domination of Marvel Studios.
In an exclusive interview given to Variety, the actress reportedly suggested that the big Marvel films are diminishing the quality of the roles. Jen’s statements were used by several outlets to create a story that the actress was targeting the Maleficent actress who was then involved in a Marvel movie called Eternals.
A tabloid claimed it did not seem like a coincidence that Jen allegedly criticized Marvel Studios when her alleged foe is already shooting for one of their films. The tabloid even insisted the Friends alum was telling her pals that Jolie’s Maleficent 2: Mistress of Evil film was displeasing.
It was even reported that Jennifer Aniston hates Angelina Jolie more than ever because she allegedly stole Brad Pitt from her. Further, the report mentioned Jen feels as if Angie has left her devastated without any good reason. An anonymous source also said Jen is hell-bent upon making Jolie pay for her actions.
The report might be incorrect and made up because Aniston told a magazine in December 2018 that she has moved on in life from her failed marriages from Justin Theroux, as well as, Brad Pitt.
The actress told Elle that there is no void in her life despite what happened. She feels both her marriages had been “very successful.” Also, when the marriages failed, her former spouses and she chose to split because they wanted happiness in their lives, which did not exist within their marriage any longer.
In 20115, Jen even responded to the constant speculations about her reported fights with Jolie. She told such rumors are slowly dying down. The actress felt such reports were “tiresome and old.”
She even praised Jolie’s performance in a movie titled Unbroken by referring to it as beautiful. Jen mentioned that her alleged nemesis did a “gorgeous job” in the film.
Jennifer Aniston also requested fans to stop comparing her with Angelina Jolie just because both of them had been married to Brad Pitt at different times in their lives. Rather, she urged people to celebrate excellent work.