‘Black Swan’ Actress Natalie Portman’s Reveals Secrets Of Her Flawless Beauty

Natalie Portman is not only an incredibly talented actress but is exquisitely beautiful too. Read on to know the actress’s beauty secrets!
Many people are aware that Portman is a vegan and she is extremely proud of the fact. The Black Swan actress is acknowledged as one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood and is known for some of the most remarkable works in the industry such as Closer, Star Wars, and Thor among others.
The 39-year-old seems to have gained expertise in maintaining her skin and health well without using unlimited resources. The actress attributed her flawless skin to great genes. Portman said even her mom and grandmother had beautiful skin.
She revealed how she keeps her skincare routine simple while not working in films. Portman simply applies a primer and makes sure to put on neutral tones as she wants her skin to breathe freely.
The Thor actress also applies sunscreen regularly and feels the most important beauty routine one should follow is drinking plenty of water and a night of proper sleep at night. The actress feels a woman looks best when her skin is rested and hydrated.
The mother-of-two added while her mother is radiant and natural, her grandmother is extremely stylish. The actress added her grandmother was extremely fond of makeup and jewelry.
The Avengers Endgame actress mentioned she is not fond of touching her eyebrows and loves to sport a “natural makeup look” by either doing her lips or eyes but not both simultaneously. She feels makeup has to be fun and it is important to have the perfect balance to accentuate one’s natural features.
Natalie Portman had also opened up about her diet plan and disclosed that she has been a vegan for a long-time. The actress stopped eating eggs, dairy, fish, or meat since 2011 and became a vegetarian when she was just nine-year-old.
Portman typically has oatmeal for her breakfast and loves to have lentils and rice for lunch. She prefers dried fruits, fruits, or nuts for snacking and veggies and pasta for dinner, Koimoi.com reports.
The actress not only believes in eating well and living a healthy life but is also vocal about human rights issues. She recently called to defund the police after George Floyd was heinously killed by cops in Minneapolis on May 25.
She was initially undecided about supporting the movement but then explained the distinction between defunding and reforming the police force in America. The Academy Award-winning actress shared a frightening statistic related to police violence in the country.
Natalie Portman mentioned the police force is the sixth top cause of the death of the Black population in the United States. The actress also claims such incidents are not isolated, New York Daily News reports.