In a recent revelation, former U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly asked his wife, Melania Trump, to showcase her physique by wearing a bikini at their Mar-a-Lago estate. This information came to light through recordings of Australian businessman Anthony Pratt, as obtained by 60 Minutes Australia.

According to the audio, which is believed to have been recorded during Trump's presidency, Pratt alleged that Trump would request Melania, the former model, to parade in her bathing suit in Palm Beach, Florida. The purported reason? So that "all the other guys could get a look at what they were missing."

In a humorous retort, Melania is said to have responded, "I'll do that when you walk around with me in your bikini," as recounted by Pratt.

But the revelations didn't stop there. Pratt also claimed that Trump shared confidential details about U.S. nuclear submarines with him. He described the former president's approach to business dealings as skirting the edge of legality. In Pratt's words, Trump "knows exactly what to say and what not to say so that he avoids jail … but gets so close to it … that it looks like to everyone that he’s breaking the law."

However, Trump was quick to refute these claims. In a post on his Truth Social account dated October 22, he labeled the story as "fake news" and specifically called out Pratt, referring to him as a "red-haired weirdo from Australia." Trump vehemently denied discussing submarines with Pratt but acknowledged discussing job creation in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The former president's post further emphasized his focus on "JOBS, A GREAT ECONOMY, LOW TAXES, NO INFLATION, ENERGY, DOMINANCE, STRONG BORDERS, NO ENDLESS WARS, LOW INTEREST RATES," among other things.

Melania Trump's absence from her husband's campaign trail has also been a topic of discussion. Trump, in an interview with Meet the Press, mentioned his preference to keep her away from the campaign due to its "nasty and mean" nature. However, he assured that Melania would be joining him in future events when the time is right. He also highlighted her popularity, describing her as a "private person" who deeply loves the country.