Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis face mounting criticism and potential professional isolation following their public support of former co-star Danny Masterson, recently sentenced to 30 years for sexual assault. The controversy, rooted in the couple's letters that requested leniency for Masterson, has stirred unease among other celebrities associated with the Church of Scientology, fearing a ripple effect of public disfavor.

Masterson, a fellow "That ’70s Show" actor and an active Scientologist, received a severe sentence after being found guilty of assaulting two church members. When the letters penned by Kutcher, 45, and Kunis, 40, became public, many in the entertainment industry expressed their outrage.

An industry insider remarked, “The support Ashton and Mila showed for Danny post his conviction has made many swear off working with them in the future.” In his letter, Kutcher had described Masterson as “extraordinarily honest,” while Kunis characterized him as an exemplary "older brother figure."

Such endorsements have made critics question the couple's sensitivity towards the gravity of Masterson's actions. Chrissie Carnell Bixler, a former Scientologist and one of Masterson’s accusers, pointedly criticized Kutcher, suggesting he was complicit. Actress Christina Ricci added, "It's possible for 'awesome guys' we know to be predators." Additionally, Ashley Hinshaw, married to "That ’70s Show" actor Topher Grace, lamented the narrative's shift away from the victims, who she believes were further traumatized by the unfolding events.

In response to the escalating criticism, the duo released a video expressing their regret. They clarified they weren’t aware the letters would become public and weren't attempting to challenge the court's verdict. However, this video was met with skepticism, with one of Masterson's victims labeling it as "incredibly insulting and hurtful."

The implications of Masterson’s conviction have also rattled the higher echelons of Scientology. Despite the Church's insistence that it played no role in any cover-up of Masterson's offenses, several victims assert otherwise, alleging that Church officials discouraged them from contacting law enforcement and pushed for internal mediation instead. Moreover, Masterson and the Church face a lawsuit from another unnamed former member, who alleges assault by Masterson and subsequent intimidation by Church officials.

The Church vehemently denies these allegations, emphasizing the lack of evidence. Meanwhile, prominent Scientologists, including John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and Elisabeth Moss, reportedly remain anxious about potential associations with Masterson's transgressions. As one insider mentioned, "These high-profile members are keen on distancing themselves from Danny and are said to be seeking PR guidance to navigate this stormy situation."