In recent times, Vice President Kamala Harris has found herself at the center of a political maelstrom, with critics from various quarters questioning her leadership capabilities and political acumen. Among the most vocal of these detractors is Fox News columnist Joe Concha, who has not minced words in his assessment of Harris's tenure in the White House.

According to Concha, Harris's chances of garnering votes in the upcoming 2024 election appear bleak. He pointed out that she had to withdraw from the presidential race in 2019 even before a single vote was cast. Citing a recent CBS YouGov poll, Concha highlighted that a mere 30% of registered Democratic voters expressed enthusiasm about a potential Biden-Harris ticket for the next election. He remarked, "She has utterly failed the country. Her speeches at times are awkward and incoherent as they come — it's all foam and no beer."

Concha's critique didn't stop there. He emphasized Harris's dwindling favorability rating, which currently stands at 32%. On average, her polling numbers hover around the 40% mark, a figure that Concha believes is far from satisfactory for someone holding the office of the vice president.

The Fox News columnist also took issue with Harris's handling of the U.S.-Mexico border situation, describing it as a "national security crisis" for which she bears responsibility. He lamented, "We've seen millions upon millions of people come across the US-Southern border. This is a national security crisis she is responsible for, and yet she doesn't talk about that very much, does she?"

It's worth noting that this isn't the first time Harris has faced criticism for her leadership style. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, when questioned about Harris's performance, seemed to sidestep giving a direct endorsement. In a conversation with Anderson Cooper, when asked if Harris was the best running mate for President Joe Biden, Pelosi responded, "He thinks so, and that's what matters." Pressed further by Cooper on her personal opinion, Pelosi remained non-committal, saying, "And by the way, she's very politically astute. I don't think people give her enough credit. She's, of course, values-based, consistent with the president's values and the rest."

As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how Harris will navigate these challenges and criticisms. With the 2024 election on the horizon, the Vice President's ability to rally support and demonstrate effective leadership will undoubtedly be under intense scrutiny.