Former President Donald Trump recently shed light on his relationship with wife Melania Trump, addressing her conspicuous absence from his campaign rallies. In a candid conversation with Megyn Kelly on "The Megyn Kelly" podcast, Trump provided insights into their private life and the dynamics of their relationship.

Melania Trump, the former First Lady, has largely chosen to remain out of the limelight since her tenure at the White House. Addressing her absence, Trump remarked, "She's [Melania] doing very well. She's very strong, very, very even-keeled. And she's a very good woman, as you know. She was a very popular first lady. I mean, I go out to rallies, and they have pictures of Melania [saying], ‘We love our First Lady.’ So many posters were there in the audience…We had the biggest rallies we've ever had."

Despite her absence from the campaign trail, Trump was quick to dispel any rumors of marital discord. "She's a very calm person. It's very interesting, and I think that's what people like about her. Our dinners are nice dinners, our dinners are like people's dinners …we actually get along very well," he emphasized.

Kelly probed further into Melania's reticence, suggesting that part of her allure might be her mysterious demeanor. Trump recalled a conversation with Barbara Walters, who once expressed her desire to interview the reclusive actress Greta Garbo. Drawing a parallel, Trump said, "I don’t see Melania as like that, but she’s introspective, and she’s confident. She doesn’t need to be out there [to get interviewed]. She has confidence. She has a lot of self-confidence."

The conversation also touched upon the couple's youngest son, Barron Trump. The proud father described Barron as a "very good athlete" and an excellent student, noting his impressive height of 6'8".

Interestingly, sources have previously claimed that Melania never aspired to be the First Lady and was particularly perturbed by allegations of Donald's infidelity during his presidential campaign. However, despite the challenges and controversies, Melania has remained steadfastly by her husband's side.

The interview provides a rare glimpse into the personal life of one of America's most talked-about couples. As the political landscape continues to evolve, the dynamics of their relationship and Melania's choice to remain largely behind the scenes continue to intrigue the public and media alike.