Amid the political tempest surrounding former President Donald Trump, one might expect his family to be in a state of constant turmoil. However, recent observations suggest quite the opposite, particularly for his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner.

Over the past six months, Donald Trump has faced a series of legal challenges, with charges stemming from four separate indictments. While these charges could theoretically result in prison time for the 77-year-old former president, those closest to him remain unperturbed. A source close to the family remarked, "Everyone knows he’s not going to jail. No one is worried."

Ivanka Trump, once a central figure in her father's administration, has seemingly distanced herself from the political arena. She announced her decision to step away from politics last year and has since been leading a relaxed life in Miami. "She's all over the place down here, always out and about," shared an insider. Despite the media storm surrounding her father, Ivanka has not felt the need to maintain a low profile.

The same source elaborated on Ivanka and Jared's life in Miami, stating, "They're definitely not hiding. They live right on the beach." The couple, along with their three children, currently resides in a luxurious condo complex while their $24 million waterfront property is under construction. The general sentiment surrounding the couple is one of nonchalance. "They seem like they don't have a care in the world," the source added.

Interestingly, the tumultuous period during Donald Trump's presidency seems to have brought Ivanka closer to her younger sister, Tiffany Trump. The two reportedly share a stronger bond now, having faced the brunt of public scrutiny during their father's tenure. "They used to not get along but now they’re bonded over their shared trauma of being the most hated kids in America," the insider revealed.

As Donald Trump campaigns for a potential second term, both Ivanka and Tiffany have chosen a more subdued role, preferring to support him from the sidelines. "They want nothing to do with politics this time around, they never want to go through that again. They just want to chill in Miami," concluded the source.

While the future remains uncertain for Donald Trump, one thing is clear: his family, particularly Ivanka and Jared, are choosing peace and tranquility over political chaos. Whether this is a strategic move or a genuine desire for a quieter life, only time will tell.