In the world of entertainment, where every move is under the microscope, Lizzo, the American singer and rapper, recently found herself in the midst of a controversy. Months before facing a lawsuit for alleged sexual harassment and fat-shaming, Lizzo's team had settled a payment dispute with 14 dancers. These dancers claimed that they were featured without their consent in the documentary "Love, Lizzo," which aired on HBO Max in 2022.

The documentary, "Love, Lizzo," offers a behind-the-scenes look at the preparation of dancers for Lizzo's 2019 MTV Video Music Awards performance. It delves deep into the experiences of plus-size and Black women in the dance community. A poignant moment in the documentary captures a dancer advising her peers, "You can't let nobody see you sweat," a sentiment that resonates with many in the industry.

However, the Los Angeles Times reported that these dancers believed they were filmed without their knowledge and were not compensated for their participation in the documentary. While they were under a union contract that permitted recording during the VMAs, no separate agreement was in place for the documentary's use of their behind-the-scenes footage.

Alan Brunswick, the attorney for documentary co-producer Boardwalk Pictures, countered these claims, stating that the filming was done openly and with full knowledge of the participants. He mentioned, "They all knew the cameras were there. I don't think the documentary was even contemplated at that point."

Lizzo's legal representative, Martin Singer, emphasized that the singer was entirely unaware of the situation. In a move to resolve the issue, Boardwalk Pictures, representing Lizzo and other involved parties, reached confidential agreements with the dancers in February. The dancers were compensated a total of $109,551, with individual appearance fees ranging between $7,092 and $7,545. In return, they agreed to nondisparagement and confidentiality clauses, preventing them from discussing the settlement.

Adding to Lizzo's challenges, three dancers recently accused her of sexual harassment, alleging a hostile work environment marked by sexual, racial, and religious discrimination between 2021 and 2023. They also claimed that Lizzo, an advocate for body positivity and self-love, criticized a dancer's weight gain, leading to a subsequent dismissal of the dancer for recording a meeting. Lizzo has vehemently denied these allegations, labeling them as "sensationalized stories." Her attorney, Singer, has announced plans to file a countersuit for malicious prosecution once they secure a win in court, emphasizing the baseless nature of the charges against Lizzo.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the entertainment industry, controversies are not uncommon. However, it remains to be seen how these events will shape Lizzo's career trajectory and public image in the days to come.