As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex grapple with business difficulties and a declining public image, they have pinned the blame on various factors - from the COVID pandemic and Queen Elizabeth’s passing to simple misfortune. But according to a high-ranking courtier, the couple might be under the influence of a much more enigmatic force — the Windsor Family Curse.

This palace insider sheds light on a legend that has been shadowing the royal lineage since the reign of Queen Victoria in the 19th century. The so-called Windsor curse has allegedly brought about ill-fated marital relationships and scandalous offspring throughout generations, from Prince Eddy, widely suspected to be the infamous Jack the Ripper, to contemporary figure Prince Andrew.

"Talk of the curse is limited to hushed conversations within the palace walls," the courtier shared. Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's late husband, was reportedly advised of the curse by aide Tommy Lascelles and took the warnings to heart. "The origins of the curse date back to 1849, when the British army seized the Kohinoor Diamond in India, bringing with it an ominous prophecy. The legend decrees that the diamond should only be adorned by a woman and predicts calamity for any male-led dynasty. Interestingly, the Sussexes seem to believe that the Queen's passing has thrown their luck off balance," the courtier added.

A series of misfortunes have befallen the Sussexes following Queen Elizabeth’s passing in September 2022. First, Spotify chose to terminate its contract with the couple due to poor performance of their podcasts. Now, rumors are circulating in Hollywood about the couple's desperate attempts to secure new professional engagements amidst whispers of a strained marriage.

“The sequence of events aligns with Prince Philip's understanding of the curse's operation,” the courtier suggests. “The Windsor family seems bound to a cycle of triumphs countered by equal defeats. While Philip and Elizabeth's marital bond was solid, Charles' first marriage to Princess Diana ended in a high-profile divorce. In the current generation, William's widespread popularity and scandal-free existence seems to be counterbalanced by Harry's challenges. I am convinced that the curse is indeed a reality.”