Marina Diamandis, the Welsh singer-songwriter known mononymously as Marina, has recently shared a deeply personal revelation about her health. The artist, who has been a prominent figure in the music industry for over a decade, disclosed that she has been living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) for the past seven years.

In a candid Instagram post, Marina detailed her journey with CFS, a long-term illness characterized by extreme fatigue, among other symptoms. She described experiencing deep fatigue, low appetite, numbness, brain fog, rashes, and tingling. At times, she felt as if she had been "poisoned" for an extended period, making it difficult for her to recall what it felt like to be healthy.

"Aside from a few periods of remission, the last seven years have consisted of relying on adrenaline and will power to push me through each day," Marina wrote. Her struggle with CFS has been a largely private battle, with fans unaware of the health challenges she was facing behind the scenes.

Marina's journey towards recovery began two months ago following an "unusually bad flare-up." She experienced "shooting pains and burning sensations" throughout her hands, legs, and back. This led her to consult with numerous doctors until she found a medical practitioner who could identify the root cause of her symptoms.

Through extensive reading and consultations, Marina discovered that most of her pain stemmed from a "hypersensitive nervous system" triggered by chronic stress. This revelation marked a turning point in her health journey, providing a clearer understanding of her condition and paving the way for her recovery.

Today, Marina reports feeling better than she has in a long time. She estimates her energy levels to be around 60 to 70% on most days. "Healing is demanding a lot of my energy and attention right now, but the better I feel, the sooner I can get back to my creative life again," she shared.

Marina's experience with CFS has not only been a personal journey but also an opportunity for growth and empathy. She expressed gratitude for the lessons she has learned and the deeper empathy she has cultivated for those silently living with chronic illnesses.

As Marina continues her recovery, she remains optimistic about the future. She believes that her experience with CFS will ultimately change her life for the better. Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the often unseen struggles individuals may face and the resilience it takes to overcome them.