The untimely demise of Cory Monteith, one of television's brightest stars, in 2013 sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry. Known for his role as Finn Hudson on the hit show "Glee," Monteith's death was as tragic as it was unexpected. As new fans discover "Glee," questions about Monteith's death and its impact on his co-stars and the show continue to surface.

Cory Monteith, who was at the peak of his career with a promising future, died of a drug overdose, according to a coroner's report. The report specified that the cause of death was combined heroin and alcohol toxicity. There was no foul play involved. Monteith, who was 31 at the time, had been candid about his struggles with addiction. His representative expressed their shock and grief at his loss, stating, "We are so saddened to confirm that the reports on the death of Cory Monteith are accurate. We are in shock and mourning this tragic loss."

On July 13, 2023, Monteith was found lifeless in his hotel room in Vancouver, Canada. He was supposed to check out that day after a seven-day stay. The hotel staff discovered his body when he failed to check out. Reports at the time indicated that he was "clearly deceased and resuscitation was not attempted."

Monteith's death necessitated significant changes to "Glee," which was in the middle of filming its fifth season. The show had to be reshot and rewritten to account for his absence. In a move that sparked controversy, a tribute episode was filmed just weeks after Monteith's death. The decision to film so soon was reportedly made to capture the cast's raw emotions following their co-star's death.

The third episode of the fifth season, titled "The Quarterback" in reference to Finn Hudson's role on the football team, was dedicated to Monteith's character. The episode featured montages and tribute songs for Finn. However, the show's writers chose not to explicitly address how Finn Hudson died, leaving it implied. This decision was criticized by Entertainment Weekly, which called it "the most conspicuous and debatable choice made by the Glee creators."

Despite the criticism, the tribute episode received widespread acclaim from various publications. The episode's heartfelt tributes and emotional performances served as a poignant reminder of Monteith's impact on the show and its cast.

As we mark the tenth anniversary of Cory Monteith's death, his legacy continues to resonate with fans old and new. His portrayal of Finn Hudson on "Glee" left an indelible mark on the show and its viewers. His tragic loss serves as a stark reminder of the struggles many face with addiction, even as his performances continue to bring joy to audiences worldwide.