Sarah Jessica Parker, the tireless force behind the production and promotion of the sequel to "Sex and the City," titled "And Just Like That," is reportedly exasperated by Kim Cattrall's short yet spotlight-stealing cameo, insiders report.

Sources indicate that while Parker has been working relentlessly on the marketing front and addressing queries about Cattrall's role, Cattrall herself has seemingly reaped the benefits with minimal effort. The insider revealed, “Kim took a bow and collected a hefty paycheck, while Sarah has been working hard promoting the show and answering endless questions about Kim's brief appearance."

The savvy Cattrall, 66, reportedly agreed to reprise her role as the charismatic Samantha Jones for a cool $1 million, with the caveat that she didn't have to share a set with former co-stars Parker, Kristin Davis, and Cynthia Nixon.

“Sarah is gambling on the show's success. Yet, she’s aware that if the show does well, Kim might be the one receiving the credit,” confides the source. “Sarah is more than just a little irked by this!"

Parker, 58, is said to be weary of constant queries about their well-known discord and the prospects of Samantha's return if a third season materializes. "Sarah has invested so much into this project, only for Kim to unexpectedly become the talk of the town,” the source explained.

Adding to Parker's vexation is the long-standing conflict that sparked during the second season of SATC, when Parker's executive producer role saw her salary spike to $300,000 per episode, leading to an unsuccessful attempt by Cattrall to negotiate a higher wage.

The frosty relationship, according to insiders, shows no signs of thawing. Parker had reportedly expressed willingness to mend fences over dinner or a glass of wine, but Cattrall appears disinterested.

On a different note, Parker, famous for her character Carrie Bradshaw's connection with the iconic Fendi Baguette, seems to have found a new favorite in Benedetta Bruzziches's crystal-encrusted shoulder bag, the “Vitty." This Y2K-inspired accessory, favored by celebrities such as Margot Robbie and Kendall Jenner, has been seen on Parker during the press rounds for the second season of "And Just Like That."

Parker's new fascination doesn't diminish the Baguette's place in her heart, or in her iconic portrayal of Carrie Bradshaw. But as she switches between the sparkle of the Baguette and the new glitter of the Vitty, it appears Parker might be ushering in a new era of bag fashion.