New information has surfaced suggesting that Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber, may have been the disastrous outcome of covert CIA operations, claiming he was subjected to a harrowing mind-control experiment during his time at Harvard.

Kaczynski, who committed suicide in his prison cell on June 10 at the age of 81, was serving eight life sentences for orchestrating a series of 16 bombings that spanned 17 years, from 1978 to 1995, resulting in three deaths and injuries to 23 people.

The intellectual prodigy from Chicago, who was accepted into Harvard at 16 after skipping the sixth and 11th grades, apparently fell prey to a daunting project operated by Dr. Henry Murray. The covert project, which involved 22 students, aimed to fracture their mental resilience by subjecting them to extreme verbal abuse and psychological torment from 1958 to 1962.

A source disclosed that these disturbing experiments were designed to destabilize the subjects' self-esteem and shatter their deeply held beliefs by putting them under extreme stress while their reactions were recorded.

Under Murray's direction, the participants were subjected to harsh questioning under glaring spotlights, their physiological responses measured by numerous electrodes attached to their bodies. They were essentially used as human subjects in a grim scientific study, reminiscent of a prisoner of war scenario.

A participant who was identified by the code name "Chase" described the experience as distressingly similar to being strapped into an electric chair. The participant recalled the relentless verbal assaults that led to a sharp rise in heart rate and profuse sweating. Kaczynski, being the youngest and arguably the most susceptible participant, was reportedly filled with rage as a result.

Documentation of the covert MK-Ultra project was ordered destroyed by CIA authorities in 1973, and Dr. Murray passed away in 1988.

Kaczynski, who sought refuge in a secluded cabin in Montana until his arrest in 1996, penned a manifesto claiming that technological advancements were deteriorating the environment. He placed the blame on contemporary society for the world's woes.