Two years before its closure due to suspected money laundering, Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian gas company Burisma reportedly established an account with a foreign bank, Satabank in Malta, discovered.

This information is part of the ongoing saga surrounding Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, who have been accused of accepting $10 million in bribes from a Burisma executive. The latest revelation emerged from an assortment of controversial emails on Hunter's notorious laptop. These communications indicate that Hunter and Burisma opened a Maltese bank account in 2016.

Satabank, now closed, was implicated in 2018 due to "gross deficiencies" concerning its compliance with Malta's anti-laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations, according to a Monday report by Daily Mail.

The report also detailed that Hunter was required to submit a certified declaration of his wealth's origin and personal data, including passport details and income statements. Allegedly, he provided this information to Pierre Pillow, the owner of a Maltese auction house.

These allegations are particularly significant given the previous accusations that Burisma and Hunter flagrantly disregarded anti-money laundering regulations. According to insiders, Maltese prosecutors were alerted to a suspicious transaction involving Burisma relating to the sale of a dismantled oil rig.

Previous reports have established Hunter's connection to Pillow, who was himself accused of laundering millions of Euros in 2020. This connection comes in the wake of a purported $10 million money-laundering and bribery plot involving Hunter and President Biden, as reported to the FBI in 2020.

According to documents released by the FBI, an anonymous former bureau informant reported meeting Burisma's owner in 2015. The informant alleged knowledge of a plan to pay Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each via a network of bank accounts to quash a Burisma investigation led by Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. The informant maintains the bribe was indeed paid.

After threatening to hold its director, Christopher Wray, in contempt, the congressional committee finally obtained access to the FD-1023 document containing these claims from the FBI.

This new revelation has provoked Republican Senator Ron Johnson to demand answers from the FBI. Johnson, along with fellow Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, has led an investigation into the Biden family for approximately four years.

Senator Johnson told Daily Mail this week, “The Bidens knew exactly the type of people they needed to deal with – alleged money launderers like Patrick Ho, Mykola Zlochevsky, and now, allegedly, Mr. Pillow. The question now is what did the FBI know, when did they know it, and what did they do about it?”