The First Lady of Florida, Casey DeSantis, seems to be charting her path in the image of former First Lady Melania Trump, following her husband, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis's gubernatorial election victory in 2018.

As The Washington Post reveals, inside sources affirm that Casey has expressed interest in breaking from the mold of a typical first lady. Instead, she's been interested in understanding Melania's fashion choices, right from her preferred designers and boutiques, to the roles she took up while serving as first lady.

Consistent with her aspiration, Casey has been actively participating in daily meetings at the Florida Republican Party offices. Furthermore, she has broadened the scope of her role as first lady, launching initiatives focused on cancer research, resilience and mental toughness education, and a program aimed at pooling public and private resources to assist underprivileged children and their families.

Signs of Casey's emulation of Melania were on full display during her husband's recent campaign events. A notable instance was her appearance in a black leather jacket emblazoned with the political slogan "Where Woke Goes to Die," at a charity event in Iowa, a crucial state in the run-up to the 2024 Republican presidential primaries.

The choice of apparel harks back to Melania's controversial green jacket bearing the words "I really don't care, do u?" which she donned during her 2018 visit to migrant children in Texas.

A New York Times report highlighted the strategy underlying Casey's sartorial choices. "Saturday Night Live" costume designer, Tom Broecker, remarked that Casey's outfits reveal her intention to portray herself as "either princess of the world or first lady."

Communication strategist Michael LaRosa, who was previously First Lady Jill Biden's spokesperson, pointed out the American fascination with "glitz, glamour, and attractiveness, celebrities and TV." Kate Andersen Brower, author of "First Women: The Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies," suggested that Casey's style choices lend credibility to her husband's promotion of conservative values.

As Gov. DeSantis takes on the monumental challenge of potentially outrunning former President Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Casey is carving out an influential role for herself. She's been a regular presence at her husband's pre-campaign and campaign events, sharing personal anecdotes, and making a compelling case for him to the Republican electorate.

Many perceive Casey's active involvement in the campaign as a strategic move by DeSantis to woo suburban women back into the Republican fold. As Jennifer Stoddard Hajdu, the Dallas County Republican Party chairwoman, put it, conservative voters identify with Casey as someone who "knows what I'm going through" and "understands the challenges."