Famed singer Celine Dion, faced with the severe challenge of a debilitating nerve condition, has regrettably put a halt to her much-anticipated Courage world tour. This decision comes after earlier cancellations of select shows, as the beloved artist grapples with stiff-person syndrome.

At age 55, the "My Heart Will Go On" vocalist made a heart-wrenching announcement, expressing her "immense disappointment" over having to bring the entire tour to a premature end. She is now "devoting all effort to regaining her strength," as she fights against this overwhelming health issue.

Stiff-person syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, causes persistent muscle stiffness in the torso, arms, and legs. It can have fatal consequences for some patients within six years of onset.

Upon Dion's public revelation on May 26, waves of support and compassion from her fans have flooded social media platforms. One supportive message read: "Celine, we love you and are praying for your recovery." Another expressed the sentiment shared by many fans: "Your health is what truly matters."

Celine Dion Departs Las Vegas for Home Soil Amid Escalating Health Crisis

After parting ways with her $30 million Las Vegas residence, renowned singer Celine Dion is said to be returning to her roots in Canada, as she confronts her escalating health woes, according to sources close to the singer.

At 55, Dion relinquished her luxury Las Vegas estate, located close to Caesars Palace — the venue where she captivated audiences in over 1,100 performances during the past two decades. She's locked in a combat with stiff-person syndrome, a rare and complex disorder.

Additionally, Dion was compelled to call off her eagerly awaited worldwide tour due to the syndrome that has held her captive since July 5, 2019. Now, she's en route back to Canada, her homeland, for recovery.

"Celine's extensive family, which includes 11 siblings, all reside in Canada," shared a close friend. "During this time of personal hardship, they provide her with an incredible, loving support system."

"The condition she suffers from is, sadly, untreatable. Despite the efforts she's put in with medical professionals and therapists, her health isn't showing signs of improvement," the source added.

Dion publicly revealed her diagnosis in December, sharing that the syndrome triggers uncontrolled muscle spasms that can lead to various other health problems — and in certain cases, could even result in death within six years post-diagnosis.

In the midst of her health struggles, Dion finds solace in her enduring friendship with fellow Canadian artist, Shania Twain.

"Celine and Shania have maintained a close bond for years. They've consistently provided support and served as a sounding board for each other, albeit quietly, over the decades," sources disclosed.

The fight against stiff-person syndrome has brought Dion and Twain even closer. "Shania is determined to let Celine know she doesn't have to face this battle alone," an insider commented. "The struggle can be isolating, particularly when trying to keep it private."