As Prince Archie turned four on May 6, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, were pleasantly surprised by an unexpected gift from a local business. Their son received a new bicycle from the Montecito-based Mad Dogs & Englishmen Bike Shop, and the royal couple expressed their heartfelt thanks in return.

The owners of the bike shop publicized the thank you note from the royal couple on their Instagram page. The letter stated, "On behalf of Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke, and Duchess of Sussex, please accept their sincere thanks for the thoughtful gift you sent to Prince Archie for his fourth birthday.”

The letter further conveyed the joy brought by the bicycle to the family, stating, "The bike has brought much joy and is most appreciated by the family. They asked that I convey their gratitude at the lovely surprise.”

The message was authored by Harrison Colcord on behalf of Prince Harry and Meghan. The bicycle was specialized, fitted with training wheels, and appeared to be a deep rose hue based on the image shared on the shop’s Instagram page.

Along with the bike, Archie also received three birthday balloons and a patriotic Union Jack flag. The shop later posted, “His little sis can ride as well when she gets a bit bigger.”

What made the event more notable was the lack of expectation of any reciprocal gesture from the shop owner Jennifer Blevins and her husband Martin, who were more than happy to present Archie with a high-end children’s bike.

Speaking to People, Blevins recalled her husband’s excitement, “This one’s perfect, it’s got training wheels.’ He picked up birthday balloons, flowers for Meghan, a birthday card, and said, 'Okay, I’m gonna bike over and take it to their house.’”

Martin’s arrival at the royals' lavish Montecito home was greeted by security staff, to whom he clarified his intentions, stating, “I’m just a British business in town that wanted to give Archie a gift," as Jennifer informed the outlet.

Soon after, the couple was surprised by a courier dropping off the thank you note at their shop. Jennifer confessed that she had joked about receiving a note from the royals, but she hadn't anticipated it, appreciating that "they took the time to write something personal and not just a generic thank you.”

Jennifer also noted that their shop has served “every celebrity in town”, but this was the first time they had received a thank you letter.