The 2024 Presidential run has again brought longtime rivals, Donald Trump and Chris Christie, into the limelight. This time, the contention isn't limited to politics but includes a battle of the bulge, raising concerns of Trump resorting to his previous tactics of mocking Christie's weight.

Fitness and nutrition expert, Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who assessed images of both Republican candidates, told Radar that the duo displays signs of obesity, stating, "they both seem quite overweight, with notable abdominal obesity visible.”

Trump, at 76 years old, stands 6'3" tall, putting his ideal weight in the range of 176 to 216 pounds. On the other hand, 60-year-old Christie, with a height of 5'11", should ideally weigh between 155 to 189 pounds.

Mirkin estimates that Christie is around the 300-pound mark, while Trump is believed to be around 250 pounds. “Both Trump and Christie seem to be dealing with substantial abdominal fat. However, Christie's situation seems more alarming. His photograph indicates severe abdominal obesity, which is concerning as it signifies a fatty liver— a precursor to diabetes," Mirkin stated.

"Trump also appears to carry significant abdominal fat, but his large buttock size somewhat offsets the severity of his condition. While buttock fat is relatively harmless, belly fat can lead to severe health risks, including heart attacks, premature death, and dementia," he further explained.

Christie's weight has been under the public eye since he declared his presidential bid. Earlier this week, Trump used his platform on Truth Social to ridicule Christie's dietary habits, posting a manipulated image of him at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Trump wrote, “How often does Chris Christie use the term SMALL? Is he psychologically troubled by SIZE?”

Despite the taunts, the New Jersey native responded gracefully, acknowledging his long-term struggle with weight but pointing out that his character was unblemished. He quipped, “Breaking news… I have struggled with my weight for 20 years. However, I have never struggled with my character. I would pit that against Donald Trump's any day. If that’s his best line, then he's lost his edge.”

Christie went further, saying, “When a spoiled child acts out, you send them to their room, not the White House. With Trump at his advanced age, it's futile to expect maturity. We need a leader, not a petulant child.”