Joe Biden Outspends Donald Trump On Facebook Ads Sensing Momentum Against The President

Last week, Joe Biden increased his Facebook ad spending while Donald Trump faced strong criticism for his response to quell the nation-wide protests by deploying the military. The presumptive Democratic nominee has spent over $4.9 million on Facebook ads, while Trump's campaign has spent more than $1.2 million on the same social media platform, according to Facebook's ad library report.
The aforesaid data was tracked from May 31 to June 6 and it implies that Biden has spent more than the president has ever spent on posting ads on Facebook within a week throughout this year's election cycle. This noteworthy investment was made the same day people across America took to the streets demanding justice for George Floyd who died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for over nine minutes.
Trump has faced strong criticism for his response to the nation-wide protests, including his decision to order federal officers to forcefully push Lafayette Square demonstrators out so that he could walk to St. Johns Church near the White House for a photoshoot. An average of Real Clear Politics shows Biden is leading Trump nationally by more than 7 points; however, he holds a smaller average margin in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and other key swing states.
Biden's campaign realizes that it has a lead against Trump and this is clearly evident in the amount of money spent on Facebook ads. Furthermore, Biden's campaign also realizes that it has the essential resources for competing Trump's treasury. An earlier report from CNBC suggests Biden has witnessed an increase in donor contributions after the death of George Floyd.
Digital ads aren't just useful in luring young voters, but it also helps pick up small-dollar donors. On June 8, Biden personally expressed his condolences to George Floyd's family. Biden's campaign is cashing in on Trump's recent struggles.
For instance, one of the ads represents the movement Trump posed in front of the historical St. John’s Church holding a Bible aloft, and urges voters to condemn the president's response to the nationwide protests. Another ad focuses on Biden's recent Philadelphia speech while featuring Trump's photomontage and the police responding to demonstrations. The former vice president posted this ad to his Twitter page as well.
Biden is seen assuring that he will not encourage hate and division during a speech, with footages of the protests playing in the background. It shows white supremacists adopting violent methods in Charlottesville, Virginia.