IRS Whistleblower Alleges Hunter Biden Investigation Mishandled and Shows Favoritism

An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) supervisor claims that the investigation into Hunter Biden is being poorly managed, asserting there is evidence of "preferential treatment." Attorney Mark Lytle, who represents the anonymous whistleblower, informed members of Congress about these allegations on Wednesday.
Lytle's letter to lawmakers included accusations of "preferential treatment" and a shocking assertion that a "senior political appointee" supposedly provided false testimony to Congress related to the probe involving the president's son.
Lytle wrote to Congress, "I represent a career IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent who has been overseeing the ongoing and sensitive investigation of a high-profile, controversial subject since early 2020 and would like to make protected whistleblower disclosures to Congress."
The attorney's letter also promised to supply information regardless of possible retaliation. It stated that the whistleblower is willing to provide necessary information to exercise constitutional oversight functions in a non-partisan manner to the leadership of relevant committees across the political spectrum.
While the notice did not directly mention Hunter Biden, a source close to congressional members confirmed that the letter referred to his investigation. Furthermore, the letter seemed to suggest a cover-up by government officials.
Lytle, on behalf of his client, wrote that the whistleblower has already made legally protected disclosures within the IRS, to the US Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, and to the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General.
The attorney's letter included three protected disclosure claims. These claims "contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee," "involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case," and "detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected."
These startling allegations surfaced as Republican lawmakers pushed to examine President Joe Biden's ties to his son Hunter and brother James Biden's international business dealings.
Lytle concluded his letter by expressing his desire to ensure that the whistleblower could properly share legally protected disclosures with congressional committees. He also offered to meet with lawmakers and provide a more detailed account of the testimony his client could give to Congress.