As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, various conspiracy theories have emerged regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin's alleged increasing paranoia. Reports suggest the use of body doubles, health issues, and living in isolation with a supposed lover. Most recently, Putin's decision to stand 60 feet away from diplomats during a speech at the Kremlin Palace has fueled these speculations.

During the event, which announced new Russian ambassadors to the United States and the European Union, Putin justified the distance as a precaution due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, this instance is not the first time the Russian president's actions have raised eyebrows.

Persistent rumors about Putin's declining health and unstable mental state have circulated since before the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, with the conflict only exacerbating these claims. A former captain in Putin's elite security unit, Gleb Karakulov, who defected, has even called the Russian leader a paranoid "war criminal."

In another instance, Putin's seating arrangement during a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron raised questions about his health. Additionally, rumors of Kremlin plots to replace Putin due to military failures in Ukraine have surfaced.

Claims that Putin uses body doubles during various trips have gained traction on social media, particularly after a video surfaced of his visit to occupied Mariupol in Ukraine. Speculations ran rampant in the comments, with some users suggesting that the Russian president's mannerisms in the video were out of character.

Former KGB spy Sergey Zhirnov, who attended university with Putin, has also claimed that body doubles are being used at important events. Zhirnov, currently exiled in France, compared Putin's appearance during a formal address to that of his attendance at a pro-war concert in Moscow, highlighting significant differences in the leader's appearance and behavior.

Unverified reports of Putin's ill health have also emerged, with footage showing him struggling with motor control and exhibiting unusual movements. These signs, coupled with canceled public appearances and engagements, have fueled ongoing speculation about the Russian president's well-being.