Justin Bieber, LeBron James, More Stars Open Up About Police Brutality After The Death Of George Floyd

Hollywood is understandably unhappy about the death of George Floyd. Not only movie stars, but popular personalities from every field such as sports, music, and more are coming forward to speak out about Floyd's death. On Monday, Floyd was confirmed dead after he got pinned by a white officer who pressed his knee on the neck while arresting Floyd.
The footage received from a Bystander clearly shows Floyd stating several times that he was not able to breathe before closing his eyes and becoming motionless. This incident filled the internet with spurring outrage, comparisons with Eric Garner's incident which took place in 2014 where he told the officers about not being able to breathe and eventually died because of the chokehold.
The official statement of Floyd's death is not declared yet while Jacob Frey, Minneapolis Mayor, tweeted, "Being Black in America should not be a death sentence." Frey further adds how everybody watched the white officer pressing his knee for five minutes on the black person's neck.
Later he confirmed that all four officers involved in this incident have been terminated. Moreover, Hollywood's biggest names have not let Floyd's death goes unnoticed. Stars took social media to outcry their anger, heartbreak, injustice, and sadness over Floyd's passing. Many celebs such as Justin Bieber, LeBron James, Harry Styles, Rihanna, and more stars have been openly talking about white privilege, racism, and police brutality.
Laga Gaga acknowledged this critical time by supporting the black community and encouraging other communities to come forward and support so that this wrongdoing can be put to an end. She further urged everyone to speak gently and have passion while talking.
Harry Styles took Instagram to speak out, "I do things every day without fear, because I am privileged, and I am privileged every day because I am white." He went on saying that not being racist isn't enough, everybody needs to be anti-racist. Society needs to mobilize as social change is validated.
LeBron James shared a split picture, one that shows Colin Kaepernick kneeling while another shows Floyd pinned down. Rihanna mentioned about her feelings that are overwhelmed by anger, devastation, sadness that can be least expressed in words.
Guava Island star took Instagram to talk about how "my people" getting lynched and murdered on a daily basis has pushed her to a heavy place in her heart with #GeorgeFloyd #BreonnaTaylor #AhmaudArbery hashtags.