Jill Biden Allegedly Controls Joe Biden’s Every Move Because She’s Bossy And Protective

Jill Biden is allegedly the one controlling Joe Biden because the POTUS’s mind is no longer as sharp as it once was.
In its Nov. 7 issue, National Enquirer claimed that Jill is very protective of her husband. But she has also been taking charge of Joe because she’s the bossy type.
“Jill’s always been totally protective of Joe since the earliest days of his presidency, helping to vet White House staffers before they’re hired and lending advice and counsel when it’s needed. But lately, she’s obviously been running the show with her husband’s mental state in greater and greater question,” the source said.
The source added that since Jill seems more apt to take on the role of Joe, she has been doing some of her husband’s job as the POTUS.
“Key presidential duties are falling to Jill, and she’s been stepping up and taking more on her plate. Sometimes, she even acts in her husband’s stead when it seems he is unable to,” the source said.
According to the source, Jill is also threatening anyone who wishes to expose the dirt on Joe, especially when it comes to his mental health issues.
“Jill started off as one of the most aloof ladies in history, becoming the first to keep her day job as a community college professor after her husband’s election. But that has all changed with Joe’s mental deterioration as history has called on her to take a greater role in West Wing affairs,” the source said.
But while Jill’s intentions may be good for Joe, her involvement with his professional job has made him look like his wife’s puppet. After all, it seems that Joe is unable to do his job or make decisions on his own.
However, one should take the tabloid’s claims with a grain of salt. There’s no indication that Jill has been controlling Joe’s every move because he’s incapable of doing his job.
There’s also no proof that the POTUS has been suffering from dementia or any other form of mental illness. This rumor has been circulating in the tabloids for months, but they have never been proven. And it seems they are just intended to act as the world leader and his wife.
Occasionally, there are also rumors involving Joe’s son, Hunter, pertaining to his troubled past.