Ashley Judd Is Still Traumatized By Naomi Judd’s Passing After It Was Revealed That She Laid With Her Mom For 30 Minutes Before Help Arrived

Ashley Judd was the one who found her mom, Naomi Judd lying in bed after the latter shot herself.
In an Aug. 12 filing, Ashley requested the authorities to seal the details of Naomi’s death. However, even before her request could be granted, shocking information has already been unraveled online.
For instance, Ashley detailed what it was like seeing her mom after Naomi shot herself. She revealed that Naomi was still alive when she found her and she immediately called 911.
Since Naomi’s house was located in a remote area, it took 30 minutes for help to arrive. So, while Ashley was waiting, she decided to lie down beside Naomi until she felt that her mom slowly faded away.
Now, a source for National Enquirer said that Ashley is still struggling to get over what happened even though it’s been almost 4 months since Naomi passed away.
“She got into bed with her dying mother and held her as Naomi’s final minutes ticked away. She rocked Naomi in her arms and sobbed as she tried to comfort her mom in her final moments on earth. And she prayed for her mom’s eternal soul and that her mom was finally at peace,” the source said.
When the authorities arrived at Naomi’s home, they asked Ashley several questions to know exactly what she saw and what happened.
Ashley claimed that she was interrogated four times during the same day and she had no idea that the things that she said were placed on record.
Shortly after, some of the invasive questions as well as her answers were released online for everyone to read.
“Everything I was divulging about my mother would become public record for millions of people to consume on the internet,” Ashley said.
Meanwhile, Ashley and her sister, Wynonna is also rumored to be feuding after their mom’s passing.
According to reports, Ashley and Wynonna are not on the same side when it comes to their mom’s death records and last will and testament.
Ashley and Naomi’s husband, Larry Strickland want the details of the singer’s death to be kept private. Wynnona, on the other hand, doesn’t mind it being public.
The latter also wants Strickland to be removed as the point person of Naomi’s estate following her passing because she also needs the money.