Princess Beatrice Allegedly Causing Family, Friends To Worry Because Of Her Extreme Weight Loss

Princess Beatrice has allegedly been losing so much weight and those close to her couldn’t help but worry.
In its Feb. 21 issue, New Idea claimed that Princess Beatrice is looking as thin as ever. But those around her are worried because she’s breastfeeding her daughter, Sienna and yet she doesn’t seem healthy.
A source claimed that taking care of her baby and dealing with Prince Andrew’s lawsuit has not been easy for Princess Beatrice. And these two caused her weight to drop considerably.
“Ever since the Prince Andrew scandal-hit new lows, the weight has been falling off Princess Beatrice. She explains it away by saying with the new baby she has less time to eat, and she’s been using exercise as a way to de-stress. This all sounds reasonable enough, except her friends have noted that she also looks incredibly tired,” the source said.
The insider added that Princess Beatrice has also been incredibly healthy because she’s been vegan for quite some time. However, no one can’t believe that she would lose that much weight from turning vegan.
“The last thing she needs is to be sapped of energy when she has a little baby to look after,” the source said.
To make their claims more convincing, the tabloid published a photo of Princess Beatrice looking as thin as ever. However, there’s no proof that the snap was taken recently.
It is possible for the photo to have been taken years ago and even before her daughter, Sienna was born.
If it’s true that the snap is a recent one, it wouldn’t be a surprise for Princess Beatrice to lose weight. After all, breastfeeding can aid with weight loss.
Still, there’s no indication that those close to Princess Beatrice are worried about her. They don’t need to worry about anything because she’s healthy and well.
Meanwhile, Princess Beatrice has been dragged into Prince Andrew’s lawsuit.
After all, the Duke of York mentioned his daughter during his interview with the BBC in 2019.
At the time, Prince Andrew said that it’s unlikely for Virginia Roberts Giuffre’s claims to be true because he was with Princess Beatrice when the alleged incident took place.
Some tabloids are convinced that Princess Beatrice could be called to the stand if Prince Andrew’s trial will move forward in the United States.