Whoopi Goldberg Receives Harsh Condemnation After Making 'Ignorant' Comments on 'The View'

After six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, ABC "The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg said the Holocaust was "not about race," resulting in harsh condemnation of the outspoken liberal. Her co-hosts themselves felt stunned by what she is saying, as if attempting to push out an "All Lives Matter" narrative on a dark era of this world.
The daytime talk show was discussing a Tennessee school district's decision to remove a Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel on the Holocaust from its curriculum because of "inappropriate language" and a picture of a naked lady from the book. Art Spiegelman's "Maus" portrays him interrogating his Holocaust survivor father in 1940s Poland, where his Jewish parents lived.
Joy Behar said, "Well, they considered Jews a different race."
"It's not about race," Goldberg reiterated.
"What is it about?" Behar asked.
"It's about man's inhumanity to man, that's what it's about," Goldberg said.
"But it's about a White supremacist going after Jews and Gypsies," Navarro replied. This prompted the host to say, "But these are two White groups of people."
Whoopi Goldberg attempts to “All Lives Matter” … the Holocaust https://t.co/4Uf4BPh9wl
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) January 31, 2022
Her co-hosts certainly got riled up and were quick to disagree. However, Goldberg showed another level of tenacity as she pushed on with her point, claiming her co-hosts were the ones missing the main argument.
"You're missing the point," Goldberg insisted. "The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let's talk about it for what it is. It's how people treat each other. It's a problem. It doesn't matter if you're Black, or White, cause Black, White, Jews, Italians, everybody eats each other," she added.
After Goldberg spoke out about Adolf Hitler's belief in a "master race" and his efforts to eradicate Jews in Nazi Germany, she received a barrage of criticism online.
One commenter got so mad that he advised the host to read a book.
He wrote, "the absolute ignorance of the non-Jewish world, encouraged by the mainstream media, when it comes to understanding the Holocaust," adding Goldberg should "open a god---n book."
Organizations were also quick to reach out to the host in the bid to "educate" her.
Stop Antisemitism, a non-profit organization tweeted, "Newsflash @WhoopiGoldberg. 6 million of us were gassed, starved and massacred because we were deemed an inferior race by the Nazis. How dare you minimize our trauma and suffering!"
The Auschwitz Memorial in Poland also sent out a tweet the TV star with a link to a history of the Holocaust.
"@WhoopiGoldberg, Holocaust - the destruction of European Jews," read the tweet.