Hillary Clinton warned Joe Biden during an interview released on Tuesday, advising the Democratic presidential candidate to not accept defeat on Nov. 3, regardless of the circumstances. The former U.S. Secretary of State accused Republicans of trying to mess up absentee balloting in a bid to manipulate the results.
"Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances," she said. Clinton went on to say that she thinks this will drag on, adding that she believes the former vice president will win, provided they stay as focused and relentless as the Republicans.
A 2016 Democratic nominee, Clinton lost the presidential election to Donald Trump, but things are likely to be different this time. RealClearPolitics polls indicate that Biden is leading Trump nationally by more than 7 percentage points.
Contrary to what the polls suggest, Clinton believes the Republicans will be leaving no stone unturned in a bid to ensure Trump gets re-elected. She accused the president and his aides of going as far as trying to tamper with the results by manipulating absentee balloting to have an advantage in the Electoral College.
She said the Dems need a massive legal operation, adding that the Biden campaign is already working on that. Clinton, who served as the secretary of state under then-President Barack Obama made these remarks in an interview with Showtime’s “The Circus," part of which was released earlier this week.
In the wake of the still-raging coronavirus pandemic, millions of Americans will be voting by mail in Nov. As a result, the winner of the presidential race will not be known immediately on election night. State election officials in some key battleground states suggest it could take several days to count the votes, considering the massive inflow of absentee and mail-in ballots they are likely to receive, Fox News reported.
This possibility of the delayed announcement of the winner of the presidential race has sparked a partisan battle over voting by mail, intensified by fears among some Democrats over recently introduced changes in the USPS by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who is a longtime Republican fundraiser. DeJoy attributed the changes to cut costs.
In addition to introducing a slew of other changes, DeJoy restricted overtime, shut down sorting machines, and forcing carriers to leave the mail behind when necessary to minimize trip and delayed delivery on routes. He recently suspended those changes until after the Nov. election.
Democratic leaders claim that the White House is trying to sabotage mail delivery and repress votes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Trump's attacks on voting by mail are a part of an extensive effort to confuse and suppress voter turnouts for the impending election.