Barely a week after she gave a televised speech in light of the COVID-19 epidemic, Queen Elizabeth again gave encouragement through her Easter Sunday message.
According to Insider, the Queen sent a voice recording which was then posted on the social media accounts of the royal family. In the 68 years that the 93-year-old monarch has reigned in the UK, this is actually the first time that she has given an Easter message. The Queen usually gives a speech on Christmas and for other events, but this is very rare.
In the message, she still reiterated that everyone should practice social distancing even during this season where people usually spend time together to spend the occasion. She recognizes that Easter will be different this year but by keeping apart, we are all keeping the other safe. "We know that coronavirus will not overcome us. As dark as death can be, particularly for those suffering from grief — light and life are greater. "
During the Queen's address earlier in the week, many also noticed her choice of jewelry, as reported by Vanity Fair. In particular, they noticed her diamond and turquoise brooch, which she does not wear often. The jewelry was from her mother, Queen Mary's collection, which she inherited in 1953, but only wore ni 2014.
Everything the Queen wears is chosen carefully by her and Angela Kelly, her dresser. While the turquoise is a symbol of peace and healing, many believe that there is a deeper meaning to her choice of jewelry.
Mary was alive during the time when another pandemic ravaged through the world, the 1918 influenza pandemic. There more than 220,000 Britons who died from the infection and even King George was infected, but he survived. It looks like Queen Elizabeth is influenced by Mary in dealing with the crisis.
The queen continues to self-isolate at Windsor Castle, accompanied by her husband Prince Philip and a few of their trusted staff. The rest of the royal family are also in their respective homes, Prince William and his family are at Norfolk while Prince Charles, who battled COVID-19 is in Balmoral with wife Camilla.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made their way to America, after stepping down as senior members of the royal family. They have settled in LA and are reported to be waiting for the perfect time to launch their own brand, named Archewell, which is the combination of the ancient word for strength and action.