Taking a leap in the dark, Joe Biden tried taking advantage of his nominating convention to get the support of swing Republicans and skeptical progressives. His campaign believes that if the presumptive Democratic nominee could bring this balancing act to fruition, it will dash Donald Trump's hopes of getting reelected in Nov.
Sen. Bernie Sanders graced the first night of the Democratic nominating convention. Sanders had spearheaded the progressive challenge to the former vice president during the primaries, and former Governor of Ohio John Kasich, who ran for president in the GOP primaries against Trump four years ago.
The unconventional alliance didn't start smoothly, with Kasich and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez publicly slamming each other. A large number of progressives didn't like the fact that Republicans would also be present at the Democratic convention, looking at it as an indication of Biden's lack of commitment to governing as a liberal.
Sanders, who has been a reliable ally for the former vice president after he concluded his primary campaign, showed where he stood. He cashed in on his Monday night address to suggest the left to put their differences aside with Biden and team up to defeat Trump, even if it requires them to collaborate with some on the right, The Hill reported.
The progressive icon made it clear that he will work alongside progressives, moderates, and even with conservatives to protect America from a threat that so many of the nation's heroes fought and died to defeat. By bringing in some of the most notable names in the progressive politics and the Never Trump Republican on the convention's opening night, the Biden campaign is hoping to attract two sets of voters with the desire to ensure Trump doesn't get reelected in Nov.
The first night of convention programming focused on testimonials from American people who admitted they voted for Trump four years ago but will be voting for Biden in 2020. Some of these testimonials came from individuals who admitted they were ashamed to say they supported Trump in 2016. One man from Illinois said he believed Biden would turn American political discussion back to normal decency.
Several individuals admitted that they had grown tired of Trump's volatile presidency, whether it was his handling of the coronavirus or tariffs levied against farmers in the wake of his war with Beijing. Explaining why she would be crossing party line this year, Rep. Susan Molinari said Biden is a good man and exactly what the nation needs at the moment.