It is no secret that Donald Trump doesn't support the idea of a universal vote by mail. The president echoed his views during a recently concluded White House briefing, claiming that the 2020 elections could be fixed and rigged, and pointed at the risks of nationwide, universal mail-in balloting and cited news articles and experts who have raised similar doubts.
Before he took questions, Trump honored former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, blaming the China virus for his death. The president also slammed Democrats for insisting on keeping schools and businesses closed, saying they would lead to probably more death and destruction of economic than the virus itself.
In no time, the president was pressed on his tweet that he posted to his Twitter handle earlier in the day. The tweet suggests that the impending election could be delayed by citing mail-in ballot fraud.
Responding to questions about his tweet, Trump said delays in mail-in ballot result, including lost ballots, could mean the election winner isn't confirmed for months or weeks after the Election Day. He also raised concerns about were the hundreds of millions of universal mail-in ballots that are being sent out are going and who are they being sent out to.
Trump said he wants an election, and a result more than anybody, adding that he thinks they are very well but he doesn't want to support a rigged election. The president cited two articles, including one entitled "New York's Mail-Vote Disaster," from Wall Street Journal and the other entitled "Vote-by-mail experiment reveals potential problems within the postal voting system ahead of November election" from CBS News.
In addition to that, he cited a similar article from The Washington Post. The press conference followed a strong criticism received by Trump's remarks from Democrats, as well as the Republicans, who say they opposed it. Democrats said they too did not support the idea of delaying the election.
Senate's top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a Kentucky news station that the election would not be going forward. A Fox News review revealed several issues associated with mail-in ballots in recent elections.
The president tweeted a local news report earlier this week, highlighting missing ballots in a test of America's Postal Service's ability to cope with mail-in ballots. Trump said absentee voting is good, referring to votes by mail wherein the voters provide a justification for sending in a ballot remotely.
He blasted at Democrats for raising concerns about Russian election interference in an attempt to deviate attention from the risk associated with mail-in voting. Mail-in voting will cause the greatest fraud, Trump said, noting that even stupid people may not know it.