Jimmy Kimmel is taking a break from his late-night talk show but before that he decided to first say sorry for an old video fo his that resurfaced recently.
He actually announced his hiatus first but people believe that before he is taking a hiatus, Kimmel should actually apologize for his actions from a few years ago. And that is what he did. According to Insider, Kimmel has now apologized for a blackface skit that he had done in the past. He said that he was truly sorry and that he had already matured over the twenty years that had passed since then.
He also says that he will not be silent about other issues as well even though what he had done in the past is being used against him at the moment.
Although the skit was done years ago, specifically in the 1990s, many still think that he should be held accountable. The skit was done for Comedy Central where he impersonated famous black personalities like Karl Malone, Snoop Dogg, and even Oprah Winfrey. He has since apologized for his stunt, apologizing for hurting
But that is not the only video of Jimmy Kimmel that surfaced recently. His 2009 clip about making jokes when Megan Fox was talking about her casting for Bad Boys 2 when she was only 15. Fox related how she was asked to wear a bikini in a bar. The people shooting told the director, Michael Bay, that she was underaged. So instead of that, she was asked to dance under a waterfall instead. This led to many taking about just how inappropriate it was and many started attacking Michael Bay. But Megan Fox actually came to his rescue and said it was not like that.
Meanwhile, Daily News reports that there might be a possibility that Kimmel might not be able to go back to hosting even after his apology. They are saying the same thing about actress Tina Fey who was also criticized for her Netflix show The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt that featured a Native American woman trying to pass herself off as white.
Kimmel is still planning to come back to his late-night show after his hiatus. He and Fey also have some shows that they will be hosting in the next months.
Fey will once again team up with Amy Poehler and host the Golden Globes while Kimmel will be hosting the Emmys later this year.