Lisa Kudrow propelled straight to skyrocketing popularity with her main role of Phoebe Buffay in hit sitcom television series Friends, but that's not the only character she played. The actress has also played her character's twin sister, Ursula.

Explaining why Phoebe had a twin sister in Friends, Kudrow told Television Academy Foundation that she was making appearances on Friends and Mad About You at the same time, making it imperative for the show makers to explain why she was on both shows. It would understandably be confusing for viewers to see Kudrow in both shows that aired back-to-back.

Shedding light on the decision to making Phoebe a twin, Kudrow said the discussion began after Friends got a time slot on Thursday night at 8:30, immediately after Mad About You aired. The makers and others involved with the show felt a need to explain this dual appearance to the audience as it was confusing to see the same girl in two different shows.

When Kudrow was asked whether or not she felt the twin storyline was believable, the actress said she does. Kudrow pointed out that it is believable because Ursula and Phoebe are extremely different versions of each other.

According to Kudrow, the Friends writers wanted Ursula to be an evil twin. She was informed that Ursula didn't necessarily have to be mean, but the character was portrayed in a way that showed her in a negative light. Kudrow made some interesting revelations during her interview on Television Academy Foundation.

Kudrow said she considered Ursula as a nice person who didn't pay attention to anything. It was Friends writers who decided to make Ursula look like an evil person. The Opposite of Sex actress said she felt the writers probably didn't want to Ursula to be a good person.

Although she didn't remember the story, Kudrow recalls thinking Ursula's actions were mean. Despite the writers insisting that she wasn't mean and there was no need to portray her as a mean person, Ursula continued behaving like a mean person.

Kudrow said she had no idea how Mad About You makers including Danny Jacobson felt about Ursula in Friends. Moreover, she said Phoebe wasn't an unintelligent person, but she was simply someone who saw the world differently. She had an unconventional approach to life, Kudrow said about Phoebe.

Phoebe was a nice, yet fiery person who had more than just two lines. Kudrow said Phoebe wasn't someone who didn't understand things or pay attention. Her take on the world was completely different, Kudrow added.