Howard Stern has no chill for Donald Trump Jr. After the blackface drama, he called on the Presidential son to get into psychotherapy.
On his radio show, Howard Stern called out Donald Trump Jr. after the latter tweeted out an old blackface sketch and mocked the radio show host for what he has done.
Trump Jr.’s tweet, accompanying the sketch, read, “Yikes! NSFW: Howard Stern says N-word too many times during awful blackface impression that should have Libs yelling ‘CANCEL!’”
Naturally, Stern took offense. He called Trump Jr. a hypocrite, reminding him that he once said he is a huge fan of Stern, right in front of him too.
Stern then explained that the said offensive clip was just a satire. It’s 27-years-old, and was done because of Ted Danson’s infamous blackface appearance on during his ex-girlfriend’s Friar Club Roast, back in 1993.
“Am I a bad guy? I don’t think so,” Stern said on his radio show, during the June 15 episode. “Donald Trump didn’t think so, he was on my show 27 times. Donnie Junior did the show. On TV he said, ‘I’m really disappointed in Howard, he’s changed,’ that I’ve gone Hollywood. Which is it? Do you want me to get in blackface and make fun of Ted Danson?” Stern mocked.
Stern even teased the fact that there was once a time when Donald Jr. wanted to take a picture with him so badly.
Apart from hitting Trump Jr. back for his comment, he also criticized him and his father the president for even taking the time to slamming him when they can focus more on the real issues in the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic being only one of the many.
He then said that it is distressing that the two would not just go into “psychotherapy” so that they would change. Attacking him when there is a pandemic and riots everywhere because of the Black Lives Matter movement is just “crazy” in his opinion.
Stern owned up to his mistake at the end of the radio show in the past, which is quite refreshing because this is not normally done by celebrities. He said he would not go about it the same way if given the chance to go back.
This is the first time that Stern and the Trump family publicly got into each other’s throats. The two had a really close relationship before Trump became president.
On April 27 however, Stern publicly shared what he thought of Trump. He said that he does not think there are people left who want another round of Trump’s presidency.