Startling new evidence has emerged in the decades-old mystery of President John F. Kennedy's assassination, challenging the long-held official narrative. In a sensational revelation, a previously unseen video interview showcases the testimonies of seven Parkland Hospital doctors who attended to the fatally wounded president in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Their unanimous assertion? The fatal wound was inflicted by a shooter positioned in front of Kennedy's motorcade, not from behind where Lee Harvey Oswald was located.
Dr. Robert McClelland, an assistant professor of surgery at the hospital during the assassination, stated unequivocally that "in all probability, there was a conspiracy" involving more than one shooter. This revelation aligns with the suspicions of many Americans who have long doubted the official version outlined by the Warren Commission.
The doctors, including the late Dr. Kenneth Salyer and third-year medical student at the time Dr. Lawrence Klein, expressed their disbelief in the official autopsy photos. They suggested that Kennedy's body was clandestinely altered by government agents. "When I saw the autopsy pictures, I thought somebody had tampered with the whole thing and it made me very suspicious," Dr. Salyer remarked.
The official autopsy, conducted by a novice forensic team at Bethesda Naval Hospital, and the Warren Commission report stated that Oswald fired three shots from the Texas School Book Depository Building. However, the Parkland doctors' accounts starkly contradict this. They questioned how a gunshot from the rear could cause such frontal scalp and brain damage. Dr. Joe Goldstrich, a medical student present during JFK's treatment, and his colleague Dr. Ronald Jones both voiced doubts about the feasibility of Kennedy being shot solely from behind by Oswald.
The controversy is further deepened by the 1978 findings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, which concluded a high probability of at least four shots and two gunmen. This was backed by acoustics experts who indicated a shot came from the grassy knoll ahead of the motorcade in Dealey Plaza.
Adding to the complexity, former Secret Service agent Paul Landis recently disclosed that the so-called "magic bullet" found on Governor Connally's stretcher was actually discovered in the back of Kennedy's limousine, contradicting the Warren Commission's claim. This discrepancy implies a fourth shot, further supporting the multi-shooter theory.
Rob Reiner, an actor and director, is set to release a podcast titled "Who Killed JFK," claiming he possesses irrefutable evidence of a CIA operation authorized by then-Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, involving no less than four assailants. These recent developments, which a source close to the Kennedy family describes as "cascading revelations," offer a glimmer of hope that the full truth behind the JFK assassination may finally be unearthed.