In a recent episode of his online show "Triggered," Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of former U.S. President Donald Trump, found himself at the center of controversy. During a Q&A segment, he addressed a conspiracy theory suggesting that former First Lady Michelle Obama is a man. His remarks have since ignited a firestorm of reactions, both in defense and in criticism.

During the episode, Trump Jr. read out a question from a viewer: "Is Michelle Obama a dude?" While he laughed off the question, his response was tinged with insinuation. "Listen ... you know ... I'm not allowed to talk about these things because you get called a conspiracy theorist by the mainstream media. But I will say, have you ever seen a picture of her pregnant?" he remarked. Although he tried to soften the blow with a "Just kidding" follow-up, the damage was done.

This isn't the first time the Obama family has been targeted with conspiracy theories. For years, certain circles, notably QAnon followers, have propagated the idea that Barack Obama is secretly gay, Michelle is a man, and their children were born through surrogates. The origins of this conspiracy are murky, but its traction on platforms like Reddit and Facebook during Barack Obama's tenure is undeniable.

The backlash to Trump Jr.'s comments was swift. Social media platforms, particularly Twitter, saw users sharing photos of a pregnant Michelle Obama in an attempt to debunk the conspiracy. One user commented, "The Trumps are so deep in their conspiracy theory bubble, they're basically swimming in s--- at this point." Another quipped, "I know for sure that Donald Trump Jr. is not a man. That’s no conspiracy theory."

Mike Rothschild, a known conspiracy theory debunker, linked the Michelle Obama QAnon theory to the rise of "Trans panic" that far-right conservatives have been pushing. He noted the significant role this plays in QAnon mythology, with many followers questioning the gender of various public figures.

Adding to the narrative, a video of the late comedian Joan Rivers making similar remarks about the Obamas has resurfaced, providing conspiracy theorists with what they see as further "evidence."

Despite the negativity, the Obamas continue to share moments of their life with the public. As reported by OK!, during a recent visit to Greece's ancient Acropolis, the couple was seen sharing intimate gestures, a testament to their enduring bond.

It remains to be seen how this episode will impact Trump Jr.'s public image and whether he will address the controversy in future episodes of his show. However, one thing is clear: in today's digital age, public figures must tread carefully, as their words can quickly become the subject of intense scrutiny and debate.