In the wake of the tragic shooting incident on the set of the film "Rust," Alec Baldwin finds himself once again in the eye of a legal storm. Despite earlier involuntary manslaughter charges against the actor being dropped in late April, new evidence has emerged that has Baldwin deeply concerned about the potential for renewed legal action.

The tragic incident, which took place in October 2021, resulted in the death of the film's cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. Baldwin, who was handling the Colt .45 revolver that discharged the fatal shot, has consistently maintained that he never pulled the trigger. However, recent findings from firearms experts working with New Mexico authorities challenge this claim. According to their research, the trigger had to have been pulled or sufficiently depressed to release the fully cocked or retracted hammer of the revolver in question.

This revelation has reportedly left Baldwin distraught. An insider shared with media outlets that the actor is "losing it" and is "worried sick he could end up behind bars."

The circumstances surrounding the incident have been a matter of intense scrutiny and debate. Hutchins was fatally shot when Baldwin pointed the weapon towards the camera during a rehearsal. The film's director, Joel Souza, was also injured in the incident, though his injuries were not life-threatening. Baldwin has been unwavering in his assertion that the gun was not supposed to contain live rounds and that he did not pull the trigger. His attorney, Luke Nikas, emphasized that Baldwin had "no reason to believe there was a live bullet in the gun" and had relied on assurances from the set armorer.

However, the incident's fallout has been significant. Three crew members from "Rust" have filed lawsuits against Baldwin, alleging negligence and emotional distress. They claim that there were multiple instances where safety protocols on set were disregarded. Baldwin sought to have the civil suit dismissed, but a New Mexico judge recently denied this motion.

The film "Rust," a Western, has been overshadowed by the tragic events and the subsequent legal battles. As the narrative continues to unfold, the entertainment industry and the public alike await further developments with bated breath. The incident has also sparked broader discussions about on-set safety protocols and the responsibilities of those involved in film production.

As Baldwin grapples with the renewed legal challenges, the entertainment world is reminded of the profound consequences that can arise from lapses in safety and the complexities of determining accountability in such tragic circumstances.