In the corridors of power, certain topics are often deemed too sensitive to broach. For President Joe Biden, one such topic appears to be the ongoing controversies surrounding his son, Hunter Biden.

CNN's John Avlon recently highlighted the Republican party's attempts to tarnish President Biden's image by focusing on the various scandals associated with Hunter. Despite the relentless media attention on the younger Biden, discussions about him are conspicuously absent when the President is in the room. The reason? A deep-seated reluctance to upset the President, who has consistently shown unwavering support for his only surviving son.

Hunter Biden's life has been a whirlwind of headlines, from struggles with drug addiction to allegations of unpaid taxes. The President's protective stance towards his son is evident. As Avlon pointed out, Biden is "very obsessed with the negative coverage of Hunter." The President's preoccupation with his son's media portrayal is such that his close aides and allies avoid the topic, fearing it might "derail a conversation."

A senior aide confirmed to CNN that Hunter's issues are not a topic of discussion in campaign meetings. The sentiment was echoed by Shane Goldmacher, who noted the President's silence on two major political talking points: Hunter's controversies and former President Donald Trump's indictment. Goldmacher emphasized the challenge this presents, stating, "It’s hard to never answer questions about his son’s investigation. It's hard to never talk about the former president and the front-runner to-be rival’s criminal charges."

The President's commitment to his son is evident in more than just his avoidance of the topic. Despite the barrage of negative press, Biden has stood firmly by Hunter's side. This unwavering support was recently highlighted when the President acknowledged his granddaughter, Navy, for the first time. Navy is the daughter of Hunter and Lunden Roberts. The President's statement read, "Our son Hunter and Navy's mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward."

In a world where political figures are often quick to distance themselves from controversy, President Biden's steadfast support for his son paints a picture of a father's unconditional love. However, as the President's term progresses, the question remains: How long can the leader of the free world avoid addressing the controversies that continue to swirl around his family?