Jennifer Lopez, pop culture icon and performing artist, is reportedly grappling with a mounting hair problem, with insiders claiming the star's extensive use of hair extensions is causing her natural hair to thin and fall out. Despite her predicament, sources indicate Lopez continues to use the extensions, exacerbating the damage to her locks.

"The daily breakage and hair fall is becoming a real issue for Jennifer," discloses a close source. "She's horrified and has been trying numerous remedies, ranging from topical treatments to hair growth vitamins. However, she seems reluctant to let go of the very cause of the problem - her extensions."

The National ENQUIRER had previously reported that the 54-year-old dynamo was considering hair plugs as a potential solution to fill in thinning areas, although she has not yet resorted to this measure.

A recent Instagram video featuring Lopez discussing her drinking preferences and promoting her own spritzer unintentionally exposed the extent of her receding hairline, illuminated by the sunlight glancing off her forehead.

"The change in her hairline is stark when compared to a few years ago," the insider remarks. "Her habitual styling of her hair in tight buns or ponytails, particularly with extensions, only serves to aggravate the damage."

Lopez’s husband, Ben Affleck, purportedly prefers her without the extensions. However, her devotion to her image appears to supersede his preference. "Jennifer's vanity comes into play here. The extensions have become an integral part of her persona," the source adds.

Hair experts consistently caution against daily use of extensions, warning that they can lead to breakage and a form of hair loss known as traction alopecia. Nevertheless, sources imply that Lopez's attachment to her extensions is unwavering, raising concerns for the future health of her hair.