In a potentially explosive development, Devon Archer, former business partner of Hunter Biden, is reportedly set to testify before Congress about his experiences witnessing Hunter involve his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, in meetings with overseas business partners. This revelation comes amid ongoing scrutiny of the Biden family's business dealings.

Archer, who is currently facing jail time for his involvement in a bond fraud case, will allegedly testify to witnessing multiple meetings attended by Joe Biden, either in person or via speakerphone. During these meetings, Hunter is said to have introduced his father to foreign business partners and prospective investors.

One such meeting reportedly took place in Dubai in December 2015, following a board meeting for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, where Hunter served as a director. Archer and Hunter allegedly went to a bar at the Four Seasons Resort Dubai, where, after receiving a call from a Burisma executive, Hunter dialed in his father and introduced him to the Ukrainians.

Archer is also expected to reveal other instances where Hunter involved his father in business meetings via speakerphone. "We are looking forward very much to hearing from Devon Archer about all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone,” GOP House Rep. James Comer of Kentucky said on Sunday.

The House Oversight Committee, led by Comer, is also likely to investigate why Burisma's owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, urgently requested a phone call with Joe Biden in 2015. This call allegedly took place just three days before Joe Biden was scheduled to address corruption and kleptocracy in Ukraine's parliament.

Archer is also expected to testify about two dinners Hunter organized for his father to meet business partners from Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan at a restaurant in Georgetown. President Biden has repeatedly denied having any knowledge of his son's overseas business dealings.

Last week, FBI documents were released that mentioned allegations of Zlochevsky claiming to have paid a $10 million bribe to Joe and Hunter Biden. These documents also mention recordings and wire transfer statements that allegedly demonstrate payments to the Bidens.

An alleged associate of Archer stated that Archer agreed to testify before Congress this week because he believes it is his “civic duty.” He reportedly feels he has been "handcuffed by the absurdly bogus case into remaining silent," but in a forum where he has immunity, he can "start to speak the truth."