In a sensational revelation, Susan Katz Keating, a renowned investigative journalist and former Senior Editor at the Washington Examiner, has claimed that the cocaine found inside the White House was not linked to the First Son, Hunter Biden. Instead, she alleges that the drugs were handled by "someone in the Biden family orbit."

Keating, who has also served as a military correspondent for PEOPLE magazine, made these bold assertions despite the Secret Service closing the case. She cited a security contact with supposed "direct knowledge of the investigation," who confirmed to her that the drugs did not belong to Hunter Biden.

The cocaine packet, discovered earlier this month inside the White House, was reportedly handled by an individual closely associated with the Biden family. While Keating has chosen to withhold the name of the alleged offender pending "official confirmation," she has categorically ruled out President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris, and Hunter Biden.

The military news publication, Soldier of Fortune, had earlier reported that fingerprints were found on the bag of cocaine, contradicting the Secret Service's statement on July 14 that no thumbprints or DNA were detected in an FBI crime lab analysis. The Secret Service also stated that no suspect was identified from the White House surveillance footage of the area.

Keating, however, cited two sources in her initial report, claiming that the person who handled the dime-sized bag of cocaine found inside the Executive Mansion on July 2 in a heavily trafficked West Wing lobby was named. "It's fair to say that the White House also knows who handled it," she added.

The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, had previously stated that President Biden believed it was "incredibly important" for the Secret Service to uncover how the drugs ended up in the White House. However, Jean-Pierre was later caught in a discrepancy regarding the actual whereabouts of the first family when the drugs were seized.

The White House had consistently maintained that the President, his wife Jill, and Hunter were away from the White House from June 30 to July 4. However, the official press pool report for June 30 contradicted this claim, indicating that President Biden gave remarks in the Roosevelt Room that afternoon and didn't depart the White House for Camp David until 6:34 PM.