In a recent development, controversial comments made by former CNN host Don Lemon have resurfaced, sparking a wave of criticism. The comments, which were originally made in May 2020, involved Lemon expressing his belief that former First Lady Michelle Obama is both more attractive and more successful than Melania Trump.

The remarks were part of a broader critique of former President Donald Trump, in which Lemon also praised former President Barack Obama. "What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin? Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own? Didn’t need daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking? I don’t know, what is it? What is it about him? That he’s a black man that’s accomplished being president? That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing? What is it about him? Just wondering," Lemon stated at the time.

The comments resurfaced on Thursday, July 20, when a meme was posted on Twitter featuring Lemon's remarks about Michelle Obama being "better looking," juxtaposed with a photo of Melania Trump. The post asked, "who else disagrees?" and was met with a flurry of responses.

"Melania is 100 percent better looking than Michelle Obama! No contest!" one social media user claimed. Others were more critical of Lemon, with one user stating, "Don Lemon CNN Host? That ought to lend a lot of credibility to his statement," and another adding, "sure, keep dreaming."

Some users pointed out that Lemon, who publicly came out as gay in 2011, may not be the best judge in this matter. "Lemon prefers men so, there's that," one person tweeted, while another stated, "Don Lemon is blind to the truth, [let] alone beauty."

However, not all viewers appreciated the debate. One user wrote: "I don't understand why people are comparing them. They both are extremely beautiful and intelligent. Let's love all of the presidents' families, honor and respect them. They all stepped up the plate with good intentions and grace."

This incident once again highlights the polarizing nature of public figures' comments, especially when they involve personal opinions about other prominent individuals.