A recent luxury holiday in Greece, enjoyed by former US President Barack Obama and renowned actor Tom Hanks, along with their families, has garnered significant attention, as it coincided with a social media outcry by the Obamas about the Supreme Court's latest ruling on affirmative action, sources reveal.

The party was captured at an exclusive beachfront restaurant on the Greek island of Sifnos, with Michelle Obama and the couple's daughters, Sasha and Malia, in tow. An eyewitness told the Daily Mail that the group made their entrance to the dining venue via a small boat, having come from a luxury yacht anchored offshore. The security detail accompanying them was described as overwhelming by an anonymous observer.

The Obamas' holiday timing has been met with criticism, as it synced with their vocal disapproval on the recent Supreme Court decision regarding affirmative action. Michelle Obama took to Twitter to express her opinion on the ruling, with Barack Obama reiterating her views about advocating for "fairness" for marginalized groups in America. The timing of these tweets, against the backdrop of their opulent vacation in Greece, has sparked a wave of controversy.

It is yet to be revealed when the Obamas forged their relationship with Tom Hanks and his family. However, back in 2016, President Obama bestowed upon Hanks the Presidential Medal of Freedom, with heartfelt words about how the Oscar-winning actor's work had touched him "in a very powerful, personal way."

The circulating photos of the Obamas' extravagant yacht outing have stirred a social media frenzy. Many users have highlighted the stark contrast between their lifestyle and the issues they publicly advocate for.

Benny Johnson, a political commentator, shared the photos on Twitter, sarcastically suggesting that the Obamas were 'rage-tweeting' about oppression from their extravagant holiday locale. His tweet quickly gained momentum, leading to heated discussions on the seeming disconnect between the Obamas' public stance and their personal lifestyle.

Another Twitter user echoed Johnson's sentiment, humorously proposing, "I want a Twitter feature that automatically adds a Community Note when you text from a yacht."