Chris Cuomo and Bill O’Reilly, two controversial television anchors seeking to rehabilitate their tarnished reputations, are reportedly developing an uneasy alliance on News Nation. While the pair presents a unified front on screen, insiders claim a deep-seated tension underlies their association.

Cuomo, 52, found a safe haven at News Nation after a high-profile departure from CNN in 2021. His broadcast has regularly showcased O'Reilly, 73, the embattled former FOX News presenter. The duo is seen by many as an odd pairing, given their diverse political views and contentious personal histories.

An industry insider explained their strategy: “Chris and Bill are playing the game and figure by teaming up together they have a better shot of getting the last laugh on all their haters.”

Although their ideological differences might provide a spark of on-air interest, insiders report that these variations also foster a strained off-camera relationship. The two are “never going to be best pals,” one source revealed, with tensions occasionally spilling over into "snarky put-downs" from Cuomo.

Despite the discord, both anchors are said to recognize the mutual benefit of their partnership, aiming to revamp their reputations and reclaim their foothold in broadcast journalism.

Cuomo faced dismissal from CNN following allegations of sexual misconduct from a former colleague, which he denied. His situation was further complicated by his involvement in managing his brother, ex-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's, sexual harassment scandal. Chris Cuomo is now suing CNN for $125 million, alleging the network undermined his professional credibility.

Similarly, O’Reilly was pushed out from his $25 million-per-year position at FOX News in 2017, amid accusations of sexual harassment spanning his 20-year career. Despite maintaining his innocence, O'Reilly has reportedly paid out millions in settlements.

Regardless of their troubled pasts, a source revealed, “These two still think they’re IT and that it’s their destiny to be recognized far and wide as top dogs in the prime-time TV world again."

While News Nation representatives vehemently deny any friction between Cuomo and O’Reilly, insiders suggest that Cuomo might have more surprises in store, potentially inviting other scandal-marred anchors like Matt Lauer to join the show. As the duo vies for a triumphant return to prime-time TV, their unlikely partnership continues to draw intrigue.