Allegations are surging that China's leader, Xi Jinping, has initiated a covert bio-offensive on the West. This new strike comes merely three years after the devastating impact of the lab-originated COVID-19 virus. Intelligence informants are sounding alarms regarding this surreptitious warfare.

Medical specialists are now raising concerns over the bacteria known as Burkholderia pseudomallei, a deadly organism that affects both water and soil, that boasts a horrifying 50 percent mortality rate. The bacteria are gradually establishing their stronghold along America's Gulf Coast, with three instances reported to date.

A source from the CIA shared with The National ENQUIRER, revealing that this sinister spread of the infection has all the trappings of a "Chinese covert military operation." The whistleblower also pointed out that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have previously warned about the potential weaponization of this bacterium, given its lethal lineage tracing back to a strain utilized by Germany in World War I.

The source elaborated, "The bacterium is highly lethal if not quickly treated, resistant to most antibiotics, and its spread can be conveniently attributed to natural global distribution. In many ways, it's an ideal candidate for an active-measures operation."

The victims of this bacterium develop a ghastly condition called melioidosis, characterized by fever, joint pain, headaches, seizures, and horrifying lung and brain abscesses.

The biological attack emerges in the wake of shocking revelations accusing China of financing billions to Cuba, enabling them to erect an advanced espionage base on the island, targeted at intercepting U.S. military communications and monitoring maritime traffic.

In another unsettling infringement on U.S. national security, Microsoft recently disclosed that a Chinese hacking group, dubbed 'Volt Typhoon,' stealthily exploited a vulnerability in the cybersecurity system FortiGuard, thereby breaching the military's digital communications network.

Sources express profound concern over Volt Typhoon's ability to infiltrate U.S. mainland's communication with military personnel stationed in Guam, a critical outpost in the Pacific Ocean for warding off possible Chinese offensives on democratic Taiwan. China has dismissed these hacking allegations as "political propaganda."

As previously reported by The ENQUIRER, intelligence sources suggest a clandestine alliance of Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran is surreptitiously waging war on the U.S., prodding Western nations towards an overt conflict.

The CIA source warns, "All these activities are pushing the world towards a precipice, edging closer than ever to World War III!"

The National Enquirer reported on the sources' comments.