Power couple Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, back in each other's arms after years apart, have finally acquired their dream home after a nearly two-year search. Yet, sources reveal the pair is seeking help from a sex therapist, and Affleck has claimed a bedroom of his own.

In May, Affleck, 50, and Lopez, 53, spent a staggering $60 million on a lavish Beverly Hills residence, boasting 12 bedrooms and a double-dozen bathrooms. But despite the acquisition of this extravagant new abode, all doesn't seem idyllic within its walls.

"Jennifer was the main factor in the extended search. If Ben had his way, they would have settled on a property much sooner," an insider shared. "The final decision on the house seems more out of exhaustion from disagreement rather than a cause for celebration."

Unusual for a couple of their status, the move to their new residence was devoid of any romantic flair. Instead, their staff undertook the entire process. "Ben didn't sweep her off her feet and over the threshold as you might expect. In fact, both of them were notably absent from the move," stated a source.

Once inside their new home, rather than nestling with his superstar spouse, Affleck chose to establish his personal sleeping quarters, contrary to traditional expectations. "While they have a designated master bedroom, Ben also has his separate space and seems to prefer it that way," shared an insider.

This arrangement coincides with rumors that the couple, who wed last year after canceling their 2004 nuptials, have been struggling to maintain their marital spark amid divorce speculation. "Jennifer has involved a sex therapist as things aren't going well on that front," added the source.

According to insiders, Affleck's decision for personal space is rooted in practicality. The Hollywood actor was reportedly finding Lopez's meticulousness about décor and space management constraining. Further, differences in their sleep habits and morning routines were creating friction.

The source revealed, "Jennifer dislikes his snoring, while he gets disturbed when she wakes up at least two hours earlier than him for her gym routine. So, in some ways, having separate beds seems like a sensible arrangement."

Despite these justifications, concerns persist about the couple's compatibility, as even sharing a room reportedly leads to heated disputes. With their anniversary on July 16 fast approaching, many are wondering if the couple will successfully navigate these choppy waters.