After an illustrious 40-year career on Wheel of Fortune, host Pat Sajak, 76, has unexpectedly announced his retirement. Despite public claims of a "wonderful ride," insiders allege that his abrupt departure was not entirely voluntary.

"Sajak is being offered the courtesy of retiring with grace, portraying his departure as a personal choice," said a close source. "But it's widely understood that he was gently nudged out, to avoid outright dismissal."

As per insiders, Sajak's recent controversies have resulted in untenable circumstances that have led to his departure. "The truth is that he would have continued, given the choice. However, the string of gaffes and controversial incidents over the past year has created such a fuss, his position became untenable," said the source.

Sajak has been recently under fire for his seemingly inappropriate on-screen behavior. Critics have reproached him for ridiculing contestants' quirks and delivering belittling quips, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Moreover, insiders reveal that Sajak's public banter with co-host Vanna White, 66, has led to a strained relationship. His suggestive remarks, including a joke about stalking White and an inquiry about her preference for watching opera "in the buff," reportedly resulted in stern warnings from the show's higher-ups.

"Undeniably, Pat and Vanna have been the cornerstone of the show's success. But Pat's increasing errors and the subsequent negative attention became too much," stated the insider. "His departure allows the show to usher in a fresh era and chart a positive trajectory."

In the wake of Sajak's announcement, the official Wheel of Fortune Twitter account hailed him as the "best host in the biz."

Sajak leaves behind an impressive $75 million legacy from his stint on the show. Although he will continue to serve as an off-camera consultant post-retirement, sources suggest that he will be intentionally kept off-screen to prevent further controversy.