Gwen Stefani, the pop superstar, is steering a significant lifestyle change for her husband, Blake Shelton, country music's leading man, due to escalating concerns about his health and physique, insiders reveal.

Sources close to the couple, both musical heavyweights, suggest that Stefani, 53, is seizing control of the situation as worries grow about 47-year-old Shelton's expanding midsection.

"Gwen has orchestrated a comprehensive health overhaul for Blake that includes a new diet and exercise regimen," reveals a source close to the couple. "He's expected to commit fully to this new lifestyle transformation, or else he'll be facing some serious music at home."

The source added, "She's secured a nutritionist and personal trainer for Blake, and she wants him to dedicate the upcoming months to adopting a completely new routine."

This step doesn't only stem from his somewhat unkempt appearance, but also from genuine concerns about his overall health. "He's around 30 to 50 pounds overweight, and the extra weight has begun to affect his energy levels."

Now that Shelton has wrapped up his stint on The Voice, he seemingly has no room to dodge Stefani's directives. "Blake has no valid excuses left to sidestep these changes," the source affirms. Furthermore, Stefani has reportedly stripped away the pleasure of indulging at his cherished dining spots.

"When they dine out, Blake's new diet strictly forbids any cream-based dishes," the source mentions. "Steak is now off the table. His options are now limited to fish, chicken, vegetables, rice, or a plain baked potato, devoid of sour cream or butter. It might be a bland change, but he can't deny that he's beginning to feel more revitalized."

As the couple approaches their second wedding anniversary on July 3rd, there are big plans in the pipeline, the insider reveals. "The prospect of starting a family is still on the horizon, but first, Blake needs to prioritize his health."