Former President Donald Trump recently gave a tantalizing hint to his Republican followers, suggesting he could turn Devon Archer, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, into a witness against the Biden family, should he return to the White House, as per sources at

The beleaguered Republican heavyweight conveyed this political strategy on a recent post on Truth Social on Friday. However, the post seemed to be contradictory, with Trump expressing that he felt unjustly pursued by his political adversaries and called his 37-count indictment an act of "election interference". Yet, his latest declaration appears to be a tit-for-tat maneuver. In his message, Trump repeated his criticism of the FBI and Justice Department for purportedly shielding Hunter Biden's alleged criminal activities.

The former President's post seemed to echo his unsuccessful 2016 pledge to put Hillary Clinton behind bars if elected.

The primary focus of Trump's strategy is Archer, who was a fellow board member alongside Hunter Biden at the private oil and gas corporation, Burisma Holdings Inc., which is embroiled in alleged corruption charges involving the Bidens.

In his post, Trump questioned, "Why would Devon Archer 'flip' on Joe and Hunter Biden when the DOJ & FBI don't want him to flip. They are exerting no pressure on him, only on Republicans. He will flip in 2024 when I am President. There must be real accountability for crimes the likes of which our Country has never seen before!"

The Republican-led House Oversight Committee had issued a subpoena to Archer earlier this week, in line with Trump's claims. Archer was called to testify as part of their investigation into "foreign nationals' attempts to target and coerce high-ranking U.S. officials' family members by providing money or other benefits in exchange for certain actions."

Reports suggest Archer might be cooperating with the request, akin to many of Trump's previous associates who turned state's witnesses. "We are in communication with [Archer's] attorney about him appearing another day," acknowledged Rep. James Comer on Friday.

The subpoena is viewed as part of an ambitious endeavor by Republican legislators to unveil alleged wrongdoings by Hunter Biden and his father, the then-Vice President Biden.

Despite Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley's claims about the existence of secretly recorded audio tapes by a Ukrainian business executive, supporting the GOP's allegations, there remains uncertainty over the legitimacy of these tapes, as Grassley later confessed he had not personally verified their authenticity.