Insiders from Donald Trump's team have voiced apprehensions that the protest scheduled to coincide with the former president's arraignment in Miami on Tuesday could spiral into violent unrest, according to anonymous sources.

A staff member from Trump's circle voiced anxieties to the Daily Beast, predicting that the gathering could turn turbulent. "There's an imminent disaster looming at this event. Not everyone attending might be intending to keep things peaceful," the aide reported.

The same source warned of the "fanatics" that such an event is likely to draw.

The protest outside the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida is being organized by Roger Stone, a longtime Trump associate, and prominent right-wing activist Laura Loomer. Their involvement has stirred apprehension among Trump's team, with one veteran advisor questioning the wisdom of their participation.

At his 3 p.m. arraignment, Trump, aged 76, is anticipated to plead not guilty to 37 felony charges linked to alleged mishandling of confidential documents.

Loomer, who describes herself as an "investigative journalist" with a following of over 413,000 on Twitter, has urged Trump's supporters to join the Miami rally, adorning themselves with Trump-themed attire and paraphernalia.

Despite the concerns of Trump's aides, Loomer has emphasized on social media that the rally should be "PEACEFUL, CIVIL, and LAWFUL!" She sternly warned that any failure to maintain peace would result in immediate expulsion from the gathering, declaring a "zero-tolerance policy" towards any disturbance.

However, militant rhetoric from some Trump supporters, including Republican lawmakers, has heightened worries about the potential for violence, echoing the infamous assault on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Republican Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona stirred further apprehension with his controversial tweet, "We have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye."

Trump, during a Sunday interview with Stone, was non-committal about the planned Miami rally. Still, he encouraged his supporters to voice their concerns, underlining the need for peaceful protests. "Our nation needs strength now," Trump stated. "People must not be afraid to take a stand...they need to go out and peacefully protest."